nosework Classes

How to get started

If this is your dog’s first time trying NoseWork, you’ll need to join our Beginner NoseWork Wait List to get into a class. The Beginner Nose Work program at Animal Inn Training School begins with a series of four classes that are six-weeks each. Each subsequent class is automatically registered and you will make payment at the desk on the final week of the prior session. It is your responsibility to let us know if you are not continuing to the next session.
Classes that are helpful (but not required) before starting NoseWork are Puppy Kindergarten, Beginner Obedience and/or Gear Up Your Sport Pup.

If your dog has done NoseWork somewhere else, contact us  for advice on which class to register for.

Nosework Progression


Beginner Nose Work program at Animal Inn Training School begins with a series of four classes that are six-weeks each. Beginner NoseWork1, Beginner NoseWork2, Beginner NoseWork3 and Beginner NoseWork4.
Dogs start to learn scent with treats in boxes.  The dogs are learning what we are asking for and the owners are learning to begin to understand how their dog signals scent.  The series will include:  Intro to searching, Intro to tins, Intro to scent, Interior/Exterior searches, Cars, Containers and Buried hides.
Dogs should be on flat collar or harness and leash.  No training collars in the search area. The dogs will be crated in between turns so you will need to bring in a crate or crate from your car.

You will need to bring LOTS of soft high value treats! 

Advanced Nosework

Pre-Requisite Beginner NoseWork 1-4 or Equivalent Training

In Advanced NoseWork you will continue to hone your team’s NoseWork skills. The NoseWork puzzles presented will be of varying challenges for both the person and the dog. The searches will have added complexities in terms of known/unknown hides and varying time constraints. We will introduce a variety of drills that will help to improve odor obedience. You and your dogs will have multiple searches in multiple areas that will continue to build your skills. While in Advanced NoseWork you may or may not decide to compete. Sharing your goals with your instructors will help them to prepare you.

It is an amazing experience to watch these team’s work!

Upcoming & Special Classes